Get Rid of Moles in the Yard Fast (TOP 7 Yard Mole Removal Tips)

Moles are small little creatures that live most of their life underground and only come out at night. Their eyesight is limited similar to that of a racoon and possum, but their hearing and sense of smell are excellent. With large claws they are able to claw their way through soils, making tunnels from one… Continue reading Get Rid of Moles in the Yard Fast (TOP 7 Yard Mole Removal Tips)

Categorized as Moles

How to Get Rid of Moles (TOP 7 Mole Removal & Deterrent Tips)

Learning how to get rid of moles is frustrating. People claim all kinds of things work, from marshmallows to dish soap. We will discuss many different ways of removing moles but mole traps, mole predator-based scents, and reducing moles’ food sources seem to be some of the better options. Moles are tiny, brownish, lawn-tunneling rodents… Continue reading How to Get Rid of Moles (TOP 7 Mole Removal & Deterrent Tips)

Categorized as Moles

Killing moles with marshmallows only attracts MORE animals

Many people claim marshmallows kill moles. If your yard gets to this point, it might be worth trying marshmallows.

Using marshmallows to kill moles sounds nuts, but it might work. Moles supposedly can’t digest some ingredients (specific emulsifiers) in marshmallows. Based on this, some folks claim that if a mole eats a marshmallow, that mole’s digestive system should theoretically get blocked and eventually cause the mole to perish. In this article we’ll explain where… Continue reading Killing moles with marshmallows only attracts MORE animals