Rats in the Attic

Rats in the US are the most commonly found pest in attics. These annoying rodents love invading attics and forming huge colonies there since attics are not regularly surveyed by homeowners. Attics are like a store to old clothes and useless house material. For that reason, homeowners don’t inspect them, which can cause the problem… Continue reading Rats in the Attic

Categorized as Rats

Get rid of rats in walls (+ signs & sounds of rats in walls)

Rats sneak into a wall through a small opening.

You hear scratching and pitter-pattering little feet running through the walls of your home. You know it isn’t squirrels or mice because you have discovered a little hole within your foundation where this critter is coming through and you saw a rat scurry into it the other day. Now, you are sitting back with questions… Continue reading Get rid of rats in walls (+ signs & sounds of rats in walls)

Categorized as Rats