Bees can be dangerous if you have them building a bee hive around your home. They are great little insects, but not right outside your home. They can choose a number of place to start their hive on and it usually consists of areas where there is little movement.
They may choose a high area in a tree or in or on your home. They particularly like chimneys that are not being used. They can build their hives in the chimney especially if you don’t have any kind of protective screen over the top or within your chimney to block a hive from occurring.
They can get into the walls of your home if there is a large enough opening from outside to start a small hive and eventually expand into a large one. Other places of choice include bird houses, attic, trash cans, and any opening structure where the bees can get into that isn’t disturbed.
Dangers of Bees
Having bees around are not a bad thing. It is when they start creating and building their hive too close to your home where you can get stung and many people are allergic to bee stings.
If they build their hive in your walls they can ruin the structure of your home by pushing the sheet rock. Sometimes they will bring water to soften the sheet rock and expand it for more space for the hive.
You will see water stains from inside the home and eventually you will have honey oozing down the walls and possibly ceiling depending on if it is a two or one story home. You can hear the buzzing of the bees before all of this happens so you will know if you have a possible bee problem.
As a hive can carry up to 80 pounds of honey you may see a lot of damage occur to your home. They could a cause a health problem too so it is best to get the hive removed as early as possible.
Bee hive can be dangerous! Remove them by pest control expert!
When is the best time to remove bees from your property?
To get rid of a bee colony on your property, there’s no way around removing the hive. Bees sleep at night and come out during the day time. If you choose to use an insecticide you can choose to use it when most of the bees are gone during the day. This will prevent the bees from returning to their hive and will kill any that are in the hive.
Typically during the late Winter or early Spring is the best time to try to remove the hive. Sevin is a good insecticide to use but it will need to be applied several times until they are all gone.
When you do choose to attempt to get rid of the hive make sure you wear all of the protective clothing as possible because bees tend to gather together over their hive and it could be more than 20,000 bees.
You don’t want to make any attempt to remove the hive when it is this bad. You will need to wear leather gloves, thick clothing, and a beekeepers vinyl . Once the bees are aware that you are trying to remove the hive they can swarm at you to try to protect it and you will probably get stung in areas where you are not wearing the proper attire.
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Safe Bee Hive Removal: Getting Rid of Bees Without Harming Them
Call your local beekeeper. They will have the equipment and the knowledge on how to remove these insects without killing them. They can try to remove the hive with the bees and place them safely into the containers that they have available.
Another alternative is simply removing the bees by sucking them into a vacuum that is lined with containers to protect the bees until they are later released.
Avoid hurting yourself! Click here to get bee control expert to help!
Prevent Future Bee Invasions
In the case that you didn’t remove the hive with the bees, you will want to remove the hive that was left behind as it can carry an odor and attract other bees to start up a hive. Cover up all the holes around the building or home with caulking and screening to prevent the bees from building hives withing the walls, attic, and chimney.
Follow these steps:
- Look for signs of bees.
- Locate the bee hive.
- Remove the bees by calling upon a beekeeper or remove with insecticide.
- Remove the bee hive so no other bees choose to use it.
- Screen and caulk any openings around your home to prevent bees from returning.