Canadian Geese Repellent (Keep Geese AWAY via Deterrence)

Getting rid of geese in general is tough, but repelling Canadian geese has its own set of challenges. Canadian Geese have been around the United States since 1930 when they were introduced to Pennsylvania. They have undergone a huge increase in numbers since then and are both enjoyed and annoying.  Resident Canadas are different from… Continue reading Canadian Geese Repellent (Keep Geese AWAY via Deterrence)

Categorized as Geese

How to Get Rid of Geese

Figuring out how to get rid of geese can be tough. Geese are beautiful birds when they are not overpopulating your yard or business campus, leaving behind a foul mess of bird poop, feathers, and nesting materials. The reason geese typically make your space their home is usually that there is a food source they… Continue reading How to Get Rid of Geese