Ant Gel Application Tips

Ant gel baits can take care of many ant infestations, often eradicated entire ant colonies, but, to do so, you need to place ant gel in places that’ll maximize the chances of enough ants finding the gel, consuming it, and unwittingly bringing some back to their colony. Luckily, ant gels mostly all work the same… Continue reading Ant Gel Application Tips

Get Rid of German Roaches: From Infestation to Liberation

Illustration of a professional exterminator battling a serious German cockroach infestation via spraying insecticides.

Eliminating German roaches 🪳 means battling a fast-reproducing insect that has thrived for around 300 million years—surviving both dinosaurs and your kitchen. What makes German cockroach control so tough is their notoriously rapid breeding; female German roaches can lay egg sacs that can turn into thousands of roaches in a pretty short time period. You… Continue reading Get Rid of German Roaches: From Infestation to Liberation

Termites or Carpenter Ants? Learn the Key Differences

Are you concerned that some bugs you found might be munching on your home? 🏠 A few other culprits exist, but they’re likely termites or carpenter ants 🐜 (if you live in the United States). I just watched an incredibly helpful video by Guy, a seasoned pest control expert who is retired but still keen… Continue reading Termites or Carpenter Ants? Learn the Key Differences

Safely Relocating Baby Foxes from Beneath the Front Porch

In the hustle and bustle of city life, we often overlook the critters around us, but urban wildlife is fascinating. Among city-dwelling animals, foxes have carved out a unique niche. Adaptable and cunning, foxes have learned to navigate our concrete jungle—finding shelter and sustenance in our midst—incredibly well. It’s not unusual to find them seeking… Continue reading Safely Relocating Baby Foxes from Beneath the Front Porch

Do Deer Eat Walnuts? Yes, but How Often is Another Story.

We’ve had several folks ask us, “Do deer eat walnuts?” Deer do eat walnuts—shelled and unshelled. The University of Minnesota and the University of Nebraska specifically state that deer eat black walnuts. Additionally, we’ll share ample video evidence below of deer eating walnuts and some anecdotal evidence. Some of the people asking us if deer… Continue reading Do Deer Eat Walnuts? Yes, but How Often is Another Story.

Will sleeping with a light on keep cockroaches away? Maybe.

Ever heard that sleeping with the lights on keeps cockroaches away? Sleeping with your lights won’t always deter roaches but it sometimes keeps them away for a few nights. This isn’t a long-term solution, though, because roaches eventually get used to or become hungry enough to ignore the light. Most cockroaches are nocturnal, meaning they… Continue reading Will sleeping with a light on keep cockroaches away? Maybe.

Bed Bug Removal Guide – Tips You Need to Know to Get Rid of Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are one of more annoying and problematic insect pests for humans partially because bed bug removal is difficult and partially because they literally bite people. Bed bugs, as their names suggest, frequently live near beds which offer shelter and a food source (assuming humans sleep in that bed) for these tiny bugs. Bed… Continue reading Bed Bug Removal Guide – Tips You Need to Know to Get Rid of Bed Bugs

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Organic Garden Pest Control – Natural. Biological. Non-Toxic Tips.

Using pesticides on your garden kills beneficial soil microbes and creates an unhealthy environment. Human contact to pesticides has been linked to fertility issues, childhood cancer, and Alzheimer’s as even “safe usage” still puts the chemicals into your bloodstream. Pesticides cause a lot of damage to you and to your garden; that is why you… Continue reading Organic Garden Pest Control – Natural. Biological. Non-Toxic Tips.

Do Armadillos Bite People or Pets? Do They Carry Diseases?

Wondering if armadillos bite people or pets? The short answer is, yes, armadillos can bite people or animals. But, like most animals, armadillos only bite people if they feel threatened (or if they have rabies or something that makes them extra aggressive). Generally, you don’t need to worry about armadillos though, because they normally leave… Continue reading Do Armadillos Bite People or Pets? Do They Carry Diseases?

Categorized as Armadillos

Safe Pigeon Poison: Pellets, Corn & Legal Matters

Pigeons, well known “city pests,” often roost on and even inside buildings, where their nests can become a huge problem because of their droppings, nest materials, and feathers. Because pigeons can spread diseases, you should deter or relocate them away from where people live. They carry a surprisingly large number of diseases that they are… Continue reading Safe Pigeon Poison: Pellets, Corn & Legal Matters

Categorized as Pigeons

Squirrel Poop Identification – Health Risks, Diseases & Dangers of Squirrel Feces

Squirrels are unique animals in that they eat their own poop for nutrients. Therefore, they only poop at night and in isolation, since they do not want anyone to know about the position of their food. In fact, squirrels are so good at hiding their poop that it gave birth to a myth that they… Continue reading Squirrel Poop Identification – Health Risks, Diseases & Dangers of Squirrel Feces

Categorized as Squirrels

How to Get Rid of Beavers : Creek, Pond, Lake & Yard Beaver Removal

Beavers are classified as a pest species and the biggest problem people run into with them is their ability to flood areas with the building of their dams. They also destroy trees and creeks with their home-building skills. Many people try to trap beavers with either a live trap or by using beaver traps that… Continue reading How to Get Rid of Beavers : Creek, Pond, Lake & Yard Beaver Removal

Categorized as Beavers

How to Get Rid of Mosquitoes in Your House or Yard

Mosquitoes suck. With spring just around the corner, something more dreadful than April’s showers awaits. A light buzzing sound, a small black speck, and an irritating itching sensation. Mosquito season is quickly approaching, and with it comes not just the nuisance of endlessly scratching, but potentially life-threatening diseases. Mosquitoes carry a multitude of virulent infections,… Continue reading How to Get Rid of Mosquitoes in Your House or Yard

Categorized as Mosquitoes

Brown Banded Cockroach Identification, Prevention, & Control Tips

The brown-banded cockroach is one of the most invasive cockroach species alive. They love to infiltrate homes and offices to obtain food and shelter. These roaches were named for the distinguishing markings that are found on mature roaches and their young. Habits, Behavior, and Diet Unlike their counterpart, the German cockroach, who thrives in temperatures… Continue reading Brown Banded Cockroach Identification, Prevention, & Control Tips

Categorized as Cockroaches

How to Get Rid of Yellow Jackets (TOP 10 Removal Methods)

Yellow jackets are some of the most aggressive flying pests to deal with. Some people mistakenly call these insects’ bees or wasps, but they are far different in size and color. Yellow jackets are also different from wasps and bees because they have small barb-like stingers they use to repeatedly sting an animal or human… Continue reading How to Get Rid of Yellow Jackets (TOP 10 Removal Methods)

Best Squirrel Poison (You Need To Know THIS Before You Try It)

Squirrels can be amazing animals, but they can become a pest when too many of them live around a house and cause damage to it. Only in the United States, the damages caused to properties can be of thousands of dollars. Knowing this negative aspect about squirrels, it is necessary to do something to stop… Continue reading Best Squirrel Poison (You Need To Know THIS Before You Try It)

Categorized as Squirrels

How Much Does A Bed Bug Treatment Cost? (Tips for LOWER Prices)

Typical bed bug treatment cost catches quite a few home owners or business owners (especially hotels) of guard.  Most people don’t plan on getting a bed bug infestation, therefore treatment prices are usually much higher than planed on.  Cimex lectularius more commonly known as bed bugs, are nefarious little insects and a bed bug infestation… Continue reading How Much Does A Bed Bug Treatment Cost? (Tips for LOWER Prices)

Canadian Geese Repellent (Keep Geese AWAY via Deterrence)

Getting rid of geese in general is tough, but repelling Canadian geese has its own set of challenges. Canadian Geese have been around the United States since 1930 when they were introduced to Pennsylvania. They have undergone a huge increase in numbers since then and are both enjoyed and annoying.  Resident Canadas are different from… Continue reading Canadian Geese Repellent (Keep Geese AWAY via Deterrence)

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Termite Inspections – What to Check & Get Them for Free

Regular termite inspections increase the chance of you discovering a termite infestation in its early stages, which can save you a lot of money. We will discuss how often you should get a termite inspection, and some signs of termite activity you can look out for on your own. Silent, Invisible and Destructive Listen. You… Continue reading Termite Inspections – What to Check & Get Them for Free

Categorized as Termites

How to Get Rid of Flies in Houses & Outside the Home Naturally

Flies can be pesty little insects and are particularly seen outside. They will buzz around your ears and land on your food when having a picnic or barbecue. They can be quite annoying and they carry diseases. If you have your home filled with flies then there is another problem causing them to come around.… Continue reading How to Get Rid of Flies in Houses & Outside the Home Naturally

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Top DIY & Pro Bed Bug Inspection Methods (Learn the SIGNS)

Many people are aware of bud bugs (Cimexlectularius and Cimex Hemipterus) but most people wouldn’t recognize evidence of bed bugs. We will explain bed bug inspection methods. We’ll include some DIY methods and explain some professional bed bug inspections—including canine inspections, which are cool. Bed bugs are quite small and skilled at hiding during the… Continue reading Top DIY & Pro Bed Bug Inspection Methods (Learn the SIGNS)