The wolf spiders are quite large, measuring about .04 to 1.18 inches in body size and are brown. They are a ground dwellers and prefer to hunt rather than spin a web, hiding in dark corners or shadows to ambush their prey. It is not a fatal bite should you come in close enough contact… Continue reading How to Get Rid of Wolf Spiders From Your Home & Yard (BEST DIY Tips)
Category: Spiders
How to get rid of black widows safely (SAFE spider control)
Getting rid of black widow spiders is something some people want to know how to do out of fear of getting bit by one. Many people believe that if bitten by a black widow spider that death will occur soon after, but the truth is death is unlikely to occur since hospital emergency centers can… Continue reading How to get rid of black widows safely (SAFE spider control)
Get Rid of Spiders
If you notice large numbers of insects you have around your home especially when you leave the outdoor light on then you probably have some spiders lingering around the home. If you have an infestation of spiders then there is something or a variety of things that are causing them to come into your home.… Continue reading Get Rid of Spiders
Use Natural Spider Repellent to Prevent Spiders
Arachnophobia is one reason why you just might be looking for some natural ways to repel spiders from you home, but there might be other reasons too. Some of those reasons are you just do not want them in your house or garages, or it could be some in your area are potentially dangerous and… Continue reading Use Natural Spider Repellent to Prevent Spiders
How to Get Rid of Brown Recluse Spiders in House Naturally
Arachnophobia may have been an underrated 90’s horror film, but it is also a very real fear for 9% of Americans. On the bright side, unless you live in Australia, this fear is largely unfounded since, of the roughly 34,000 discovered species of spider, only a dozen are harmful to humans. One such spider known… Continue reading How to Get Rid of Brown Recluse Spiders in House Naturally