Get Rid of Moles in the Yard Fast (TOP 7 Yard Mole Removal Tips)

Get Rid of Moles In Your Yard

Moles are small little creatures that live most of their life underground and only come out at night. Their eyesight is limited similar to that of a racoon and possum, but their hearing and sense of smell are excellent. With large claws they are able to claw their way through soils, making tunnels from one piece of land to another.

After purchasing a home and making the lawn practically perfect, you may suffer the consequences of having moles dig holes in various areas of your lawn. There are various ways to get rid of the moles that live in your yard to prevent them from damaging the grass and plants, but they do have a benefit of eating unwanted insects and creating an aeration for your lawn.

Breeding season for moles usually occurs during the months of February through May. The gestation period usually lasts up to 42 days. From the months of March and April, up to four baby moles most often arrive. After 30 to 45 days, the pups will leave the nest and start out on their own, infesting new land with earthworms and other insects that live in the soil.

How to remove moles from your yard

If you notice holes in your grass and you’re uncertain that a mole is causing the problem, then place a lid on the hole and leave it there overnight. Come back the next day to see if it has been moved. If it’s moved then you probably have moles.

You can also push the hill down to flatten the area where the tunnel exits. If you find it pushed back up the next morning then that is another sign that you may have a mole in your yard.

Determine what option to take including calling a professional who is familiar with dealing with wildlife or taking care of it yourself. You can place a live trap in the entrance of the hole. There are various kinds of traps you can get, but some traps are made to kill the moles immediately.

There’s no reason why you can’t trap the mole and release it somewhere in an open field for the mole to live their lives instead of killing it. If you decide to release moles that you caught in your yard, make sure it is plenty far away from your home or else the moles might find their way back to your yard or garden.

As moles have an excellent sense of smell, you can use a technique that will help prevent moles from building a tunnel to your lawn. Using repellents such as castor oil and garlic will help keep the moles away.

Use a mixture of castor oil mixed with water and spray it around the yard while chopping up the garlic and combining it with water and doing the same. These smells will deter moles from coming to your home. Plant several chocolate lilies and garlic to keep moles away. These specific odors will help keep moles away from your yard.

Get moles out of your yard with Dawn Dish Soap & Castor Oil

Need professional help to solve your urgent mole problem?

There are three types of moles in the United States—the Shrew, the Pacific, and the Townsend moles. They all range in size anywhere from four to nine inches long. Shrew moles are typically found near streams and shady ravines.

They can also be seen outside the tunnel more often than the other two species as they are also the smallest of the three. The Pacific makes their homes in more wooded areas that are dry and have more bushes.

The Townsend is the most common one found in lawns and it’s the largest of the three. They prefer pastures, fields and even golf courses. If caught, you should consider letting them go in wide open fields for them to make their home and they will help preserve much of the area without bothering property owners.

Moles do not take over a neighborhood. In other words, it is very rare that you will see more than one mole once the pups are grown, in the range of an acre. Some moles will live at least six acres away from other moles.

They are solitary animals and unless it is breeding season or a mother taking care of her young, there will not be many moles seen in one area. You will find some of the young developing their own tunnels up to 30 yards away as they begin to be weaned from their mother. Once independent, they will begin their life further away.

After realizing that moles have their benefits along with some damage caused to your lawn, you should wait and see what will happen to the appearance of your lawn before trying to get rid of the mole.

If you choose to go ahead and remove it then you may want to consider having a professional handle the situation. They will typically act rather quickly since they know exactly what to look for and make sure to call upon a wildlife expert that doesn’t have killing on their mind as their first and only solution. Call upon an expert that will be able to remove the critter fast and easily and will allow them to live in an open field away from residential areas.

Categorized as Moles

By David Jackson

I enjoy learning about new pest control strategies and sharing what I learn at I aim to create a reliable resource for people dealing with all sorts of pest issues.

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