Safely Relocating Baby Foxes from Beneath the Front Porch

relocating baby foxes from under a front porch

In the hustle and bustle of city life, we often overlook the critters around us, but urban wildlife is fascinating. Among city-dwelling animals, foxes have carved out a unique niche. Adaptable and cunning, foxes have learned to navigate our concrete jungle—finding shelter and sustenance in our midst—incredibly well. It’s not unusual to find them seeking shelter in our parks, yards, sheds, or even under our porches.

When foxes move into urban environments, they often find themselves in direct contact with human habitats. This intersection creates a complex dynamic where instinctual fox behavior meets the often unprepared world of humans. Understanding this relationship is key to fostering harmonious human-fox relations.

relocating baby foxes from under a front porch
Safely relocating baby foxes involves encouraging the mother fox to move her cubs on her own (Do NOT just trap them and dump them off in a nearby forest; they won’t survive that).
IntroUrban foxes adapt well to city life, impacting human habitats.
Case Study: Fox Cub RelocationGates Wildlife Control relocates fox kits safely in the city
Fox Cubs in the CityYoung fox kits explore urban challenges with resilience
Human-Wildlife InteractionsAddressing conflicts with humane wildlife management methods
The Role of Mother FoxMother fox plays a crucial role in relocation and care
Ethical Considerations in RelocationBalancing fox welfare with the need for wildlife management
Coexisting with Urban FoxesPromoting coexistence through knowledge and ethical practices

Operation Fox Cub Relocation: A Case Study

In April 2019, the Ontario-based Gates Wildlife Control was called for a delicate mission: the humane removal of a family of foxes residing under a residential deck. This operation, captured across two heartwarming videos, showcases the intricate process of safely relocating wildlife in urban settings.

Gates Wildlife Control relocates baby fox kits from under a home’s front deck.

The challenge was significant; the team had to ensure the safety of the baby foxes and their mother while navigating the constraints of the human environment. The presence of seven four-week-old fox kits added an extra layer of complexity. Because these baby kits were so young, each step had to be carefully planned and executed to avoid distressing the baby foxes or their mother.

Fox Kits: Growing Up in the City

Four-week-old fox kits exhibit a blend of vulnerability and curiosity. At this tender age, they are beginning to explore their surroundings, yet they remain heavily reliant on their mother. Their fur starts to show the distinctive colorations of their species, and their individual “personalities” begin to show.

In urban environments, fox kits face unique challenges. They must learn to navigate a world that they are not completely suited for, filled with unfamiliar sights, sounds, and dangers. Yet, known for their cunning, foxes’ adaptability is remarkable, showcasing the incredible resilience of wildlife even in urban landscapes.

Human-Wildlife Interactions: Challenges and Solutions

The interface between humans and wildlife in urban areas is fraught with challenges. Foxes, for instance, often find refuge in spaces like under decks or sheds, leading to potential conflicts with homeowners. However, these conflicts offer opportunities for education and the implementation of humane wildlife management practices.

Humane removal methods, such as one-way exclusion devices or live trapping, prioritize the well-being of the animals while addressing the concerns of humans. These methods are not only compassionate but also effective in resolving human-wildlife conflicts in a manner that respects the needs and behaviors of the animals involved.

A Mother Fox’s Role in Kit Care

A mother fox plays a pivotal role in the lives of her kits, especially during times of uncertainty like relocation. Her natural instincts drive her to protect, nurture, and eventually relocate her young to a safe new den.

You can see this process in Gates Wildlife Control’s video below; it highlights a vixen’s maternal dedication as she meticulously relocates each of her cubs.

Mother Fox (a vixen) retrieving her babies from the heated box that Gates Wildlife Control placed the cubs in.

This behavior demonstrates the strong bond between the mother fox and her offspring. It also reveals the complexities involved in humane wildlife relocation, where the natural behaviors and needs of the animals must be carefully considered to ensure a successful outcome.

To accomplish these types of mammal relocations, Gates Wildlife Control often moves baby animals to a heated box (to keep them warm and safe and mimic their den) and places this box nearby the area that they recovered the baby mammals from. Then, by smelling and hearing her babies, the mother fox can easily find their new location, retrieve her babies, and take them to a new location.

This type of relocation (where you let the parents decide where to relocate to on their own) enjoys much higher survival rates for the relocated parent mammals and their babies. If you were to trap these baby foxes and drop them off in some unfamiliar woods, you’d put their and their parents’ lives in great danger.

Ethical Considerations in Fox Relocation

Relocating foxes, especially in urban settings, raises important ethical considerations. The primary concern is fox welfare, which must be weighed against the need to manage wildlife in human-dominated landscapes. Risks to foxes, like stress, potential injuries, and disrupting natural fox behavior, are inherent in any fox relocation process.

Wildlife management professionals must navigate these challenges with care, ensuring that their actions are guided by ethical principles and a deep understanding of the species they are working with. The goal is always to minimize harm and ensure the long-term well-being of the foxes they’re relocating.

Coexisting with Urban Foxes

The story of this fox family’s relocation is a poignant reminder of the delicate balance between urban development and wildlife habitats. It highlights the importance of understanding and respecting the needs of wildlife that shares our urban spaces. As cities continue to expand, the interactions between humans and wildlife will inevitably increase, making it crucial to foster practices that ensure the safety and well-being of both parties.

The Gates Wildlife Control operation serves as a model of humane wildlife management, demonstrating how knowledge, compassion, and respect for natural behaviors can lead to successful outcomes. It’s a testament to the possibility of coexisting peacefully with our wild neighbors, even in the heart of urban landscapes.

As we move forward, it’s essential to continue educating the public about urban wildlife and to promote ethical practices in wildlife management. By doing so, we can create a future where humans and foxes (and other animals) thrive together, each respecting the other’s place within urban ecosystems.

By David Jackson

I enjoy learning about new pest control strategies and sharing what I learn at I aim to create a reliable resource for people dealing with all sorts of pest issues.

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