Safe Pigeon Poison: Pellets, Corn & Legal Matters


Pigeons, well known “city pests,” often roost on and even inside buildings, where their nests can become a huge problem because of their droppings, nest materials, and feathers.

Because pigeons can spread diseases, you should deter or relocate them away from where people live. They carry a surprisingly large number of diseases that they are able to transmit to humans. With very few predators, pigeon populations can increase rapidly, significantly increasing the chance of diseases spreading.

The droppings are what cause the biggest danger of diseases spreading; the worst ones are:

  • Cryptococcal meningitis: This is a fungal infection of the tissues covering our brains and spinal cord. It can cause; fever, hallucinations, headaches, nausea and vomiting, sensitivity to light, and stiff neck.
  • Salmonella and Listeria – Normally associated with food, salmonella can also be transmitted by pigeons. Listeria is particularly dangerous to pregnant women and babies.
  • Viral encephalitis: The pigeon is the main carrier of the West Nile virus, which is a variable disease causing temporary illness to permanent nervous system damage. This is particularly dangerous to children and the elderly.
  • E. coli: If you are ever in a pigeon-infested area, make sure to wash your hands thoroughly. They are better transmitters of the E. Coli infection than under-cooked meat.

If you didn’t think you had a reason to remove the pigeon before, just knowing about these four diseases should convince you that you need to remove them from your housing area as soon as you can.

Poisoning Pigeons

It may be illegal in your area to poison pigeons. You must check with your state or city regulations before actually using this as a means to remove pigeons from your home.

The reason for this is that a poisoned pigeon will become a serious threat to household pets that may eat it or to the wildlife in the area that may also find the dead bird and eat it.

It can also result in the city you live in spending money to discover why all of a sudden a large number of pigeons are dying. When any number of deaths start showing up they will first suspect a disease has broken out and want to study the dead birds to discover the reason for their death.

Poison Alternatives for Pigeon Control

A better solution to getting rid of the pigeons would be to reduce their numbers with professional wildlife control and still provide you with a permanent solution to your problem.

  • Ovocontrol is a chemical bait that will render pigeon eggs non-viable. Once you get the pigeon eating this “free” food, they’ll stop having babies, acting as birth control for your local pigeon population. This method takes around six to eight months before you start seeing results.
  • Pigeon repellents can make it uncomfortable for the pigeons to roost. You can find this in gel or liquid form and can be either soft or sticky. This repellent can even be purchased as a hot substance. The birds are not going to like landing in it and will find a new area to roost. While it is not a poison and will not harm the birds, it will encourage them to find a new home away from you.
  • Pigeon scare balloons that have a few reflective surfaces on them and predator eyes will put the fear in the heart of the pigeon and send them away from your building. The balloons are brightly colored and can be hung in tree branches or on the eaves of buildings they are entering to ensure the pigeon flies away in fear and doesn’t want to return. Put these balloons in your balconies, patios, and boats, or anywhere the pigeon is roosting on your property.
  • Motion detectors can repel pigeons by creating sounds that will annoy them and make them choose another route. These detectors use ultrasonic sounds which are only heard by the pigeon when it flies into the area and activates it. Place the detector on the ground about three feet from the ground and aim where you know the birds are going to fly. You may have to change location occasionally to make sure you keep the bird confused and annoyed and not wanting to return to your building.

Pigeons have an incredible homing ability; so trying to trap them and relocate them would prove a very difficult and likely futile task.

They have been known to find their way back to a location hundreds or even thousands of miles away.

Your best chance of success in getting rid of pigeons, around your home or business, is to try one of the tips we have listed above. If you don’t want to deal with it yourself, click here for free pigeon control quotes.

Categorized as Pigeons

By David Jackson

I enjoy learning about new pest control strategies and sharing what I learn at I aim to create a reliable resource for people dealing with all sorts of pest issues.


  1. Raymond….you are an idiot. Anyone who likes pigeons is scum and deserves to catch pigeon born diseases as well as be forced to pay for the property damages they cause to their neighbors from pigeon infestations. Pigeon people like you are both a special breed of stupid and a special breed of selfish.

  2. Anybody who poisons pigeons is scum. I get more diseases from humans. Do you suggest poison for human pests?

    1. Hi Raymond, thanks for visiting NeverPest. I would not suggest poison for human “pests.” I don’t think poison is a good idea for pigeons either. Deterrent techniques are better because poisoning pigeons is dangerous for dogs, cats, and other animals who might eat poisoned pigeons and them succumb to the poison themselves. This is the reason why pigeon poison is illegal in many places in the US and around the world.

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