Termite Extermination Tips (DIY & PRO Termite Removal Methods)

Termite Extermination Tips

Drywood termites, or more specifically, Subterranean termites are responsible for upwards of 90% of the infestations in the United States. Integral parts of nature’s food chain, termites are tasked with creating humus soil from dead rotting trees and other rotten material. Benevolent little insects, termite activity only becomes destructive after making their ways into human domains. 

Once in a home, termite damage is significant, destroying wooden walls, flooring, and more and quickly build nests to propagate their population and, if left too long, termite control can become a serious challenge. The destructive tendencies of interior termites are vast; thus humans should take all necessary preventative measures to ensure that their homes remain protected from severe termite problems. Once an outbreak is detected, it is of absolute necessity to take swift,

corrective action in order to destroy burgeoning termite populations and destroy the colony comprehensively. Though a reputable termite company will offer swift and highly effective termite pest control and termite treatment costs come with a hefty price; one that many of us simply cannot afford. Therefore, termite inspection and termite treatment can be tackled by enthusiastic DIYers.

DIY termite control services doesn’t mean that you must be able to identify every termite species, as measures of termite eradication are abundantly available in today’s market. A wide array of products geared towards comprehensive termite extermination is available for an individual’s highly specific needs and budgetary constraints. With plenty of cursory termite extermination readily available on the internet, individuals can undertake the task of termite extermination with a degree of effort and patience and without having to consult costly professional extermination companies.

wood door with termites damage

Professional termite companies tend to yield the best results for comprehensive termite extermination but prove to be costly ventures that are unaffordable to many consumers. Fortunately, with the wide array of performance termination products available on the market, individuals can effectively remove termite infestations within their homes with a modicum of basic knowledge.

Read On Below For An Easy-To-View Chart Of Basic Termite Extermination Protocol And To Learn More Valuable Information And Tips On Getting Rid Of Subterranean Termites Within Your Home!

Termite Extermination Steps:
Termite Extermination Steps:
Termite Extermination Steps:
Termite Extermination Steps:
1. Inspecting the home for termite infestations
1. Inspecting the home for termite infestations
1. Inspecting the home for termite infestations
2. Deciding upon the best termite extermination method
2. Deciding upon the best termite extermination method
2. Deciding upon the best termite extermination method
3. Utilizing liquid termite eradication sprays and termiticides
3. Utilizing liquid termite eradication sprays and termiticides
3. Utilizing liquid termite eradication sprays and termiticides
4. Utilizing termite eradication baits
4. Utilizing termite eradication baits
4. Utilizing termite eradication baits

Termite Extermination Steps: An In-Depth look

Step 1: Inspecting The Household For The Signs And The Extent Of A Termite Infestation Or Attack

The initial step in your termite extermination endeavor requires that you determine the signs and the extent to which a termite infestation or attack exists. Determining the extent of a termite infestation provides you the critically valuable information you need to determine the best method and course of action best to undertake in your extermination process.

In determining the existence of termite infestations, there are a few basic signs that you should be familiar with, particularly since tiny Subterranean termites prove to be not easily detectable to the eye. These diminutive insects can multiply greatly within homes and populate into astounding populations as they remain hidden for extended amounts of time. To avoid this from happening, individuals should look for highly specific signs of termite populations, attacks, and infestations in areas including the following:

  • Rotten, Dead Wood In All Areas: Termites are almost entirely found on or near rotted wood elements as they eat away at the wood (including wood flooring). Any sign of rotten wood with darkened or blistered areas is an indication of a hidden termite population existing in your home.
  • Mud Tubes: Running along cracks, sidings, and behind baseboards and under floors, mud tubes are a favored locale for hidden termite populations.
  • Swarmers: Any sign of a swarmer (a winged termite) is an indication that your home has a hidden termite infestation.

After you have checked your home for the presence of termites and have inspected for rotted wood and mud tubes, ensure that you cut off the source of food for termites. A swarm of termites is often encouraged by the detection of sources of food (primarily wood). Treating wood located in the home with pressure treatments to ensure moisture does not accumulate will result in a lack of moisture smell for swarming termites and thwart their mission into your home.

Step 2 – Deciding The Best Method For Your Needs And Budget

When exterminating termites, there is a wide array of options. However, many of these options prove to be ineffective and a waste of valuable time for homeowners. There are two options readily available that are cost-effective, user-friendly, and prove to work well in exterminating termite colonies: Termite baits and termite liquid pesticides.

Termite baits tend to be more user-friendly and safer to use as they don’t require spraying. Conversely, liquid sprays for termites are pesticide-based and sprayed into the ground to prevent termites from returning to their nests and breeding. While effective, this method is toxic to plants and within homes and is hazardous to human health.

chosen termite extermination method

Step 3 – Using Your Chosen Termite Extermination Method (Termite Baits)

If your chosen termite extermination method is termite baits, ensure that you secure it well in the mud tunnels without blocking the hole in its entirety. Termites need to be able to discover the bait easily in order to be effectively eradicated.

Termite baits are a great option for DIY exterminators with their highly effective performance through the use of poisoned baits that feature components that rapidly attract termites and reduce the need to utilize costly, hazardous, and toxic pesticides. Termite baits require roughly two weeks’ time to fully work. If within two weeks there are still signs of termites, simply use a new poisoned bait to continue the eradication process.

Step 4 – Using Your Chosen Termite Extermination Method (Liquid Sprays/Pesticides/Termiticides)

DIY exterminators using liquid spray pesticide products need to exercise caution in their application. These liquid formulations are typically toxic and prove to be hazardous to human health. Nevertheless, liquid spray pesticides for termite extermination are a budget-friendly and highly effective way to eradicate termite infestations rapidly and in a comprehensive fashion. It’s highly recommended to purchase a non-repellant spray formulation due to their ability to kill termites and ensure that they do not return in the future.

Following the manufacturer’s instructions, dispense the liquid pesticide into trenches surrounding your home’s perimeter to repel termites from your property and to kill termites in the nearby vicinity. If using termiticides along with your liquid termite sprays, ensure that you inject them deeply into holes and cracks for a thorough application on your home’s exterior and interior.

By David Jackson

I enjoy learning about new pest control strategies and sharing what I learn at NeverPest.com. I aim to create a reliable resource for people dealing with all sorts of pest issues.

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